Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Post modernism / Richter?

From my understanding, postmodernism is essentially the moving away from modernism. . Post modernism art is also art which is made using "non artistic" methods. In my opinion it involves a very wide range of things, such as modern architecture, modern design and paintings that are made just for the sake of it. From my reading i beleive that postmodernism was the name given to the period after modernism where artist tried to break away from the ideas of modernism completely.
An artist associated with the post modernist movement is Gerhard Richter, alhough he himself does not have the same belief.

Schütz: Stylistic changes, stylistic breaks, quotations and perhaps also irony — these are all phenomena which have been called "postmodern." Do confront these issues? Do you consider yourself a postmodern pioneer?

Richter: I don't believe so, it has not interested me that much. But in a certain sense you could call me so; because I never had that consciousness of belonging to the avant-garde, and it also was never a concern of mine. Avant-garde — I find that usually too dogmatic and aggressive.

This was taken from an interview with Richter. It shows that Richter does not believe that the work he produces should be put into this one catagory. It shows that the idea and movement of postmodernism is quite far removed from the avant-garde ideas of modernism. Therefore the question is posed, is the work produced by Richter post mordern even when he himself does not consider it to be?

Post modernism is also highly linked to architecture and the designs of 1960's. Experimentation with textures, symbolism and colour took place in house designs, thus a radical change in designs of houses and how they are built. When i think of a postmodern building, i picture a highly "modern" looking building and almost experimental in design.


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